Mcdougall Weldments Sheepyards Software

Customer Spotlight: A Journey Through Engineering Excellence and Family Heritage

Ben Sleep - Aug 1, 2023

As a software company, we are often focused on the technical aspects of our work. However, it's always refreshing to take a step back and explore the industries that our software serves. Recently, we had the opportunity to visit one of our customers McDougall Weldments in the engineering sector, and it was a remarkable experience.

McDougall Weldments is a family-owned business that has been in operation for over 50 years. Started in a farmers shed 55 years ago it has grown to a flouring business that is know to every farming comunity for their portable sheep yards.

As soon as we arrived, we were struck by the deep sense of history and tradition that permeated every aspect of the company. As we looked around his workshop, and we were amazed by the level of craftsmanship and attention to detail that went into every project. From custom-made machine parts to intricate assemblies, every piece was a testament to the skill of Gordon and the McDougall Weldments team.

As we talked with Gordon about his business, we learned about some of the challenges he faced. One area where he had struggled was in managing his data effectively. With so many projects on the go at once, it was difficult to keep track of everything. That's where our software came in.

We had worked with McDougall's to develop a custom solution that was tailored to their specific needs. Seeing our software in action in this workshop was incredibly rewarding. It was clear that our product had made a real difference in streamlining the workflow and providing them with better insights into their business.

But it wasn't all work - we also had a great time touring the workshop and learning more about the history not to mention its a family business. Gordon took us through old photo albums and shared stories about his first products. It was fascinating to see how much had changed over the years - and how much had stayed the same.

Overall, our visit to McDougall Weldments was an eye-opening experience. We were able to see firsthand the impact that our software was having on his business, and we also gained a deeper appreciation for the rich history of engineering excellence that this family had built over the years. It was a reminder that our work is more than just lines of code - it's about making a real difference in people's lives and helping businesses thrive.