DIFOT: What do these letters mean for my business?
Delivered In Full, On Time is a measurement used by transport and logistics companies to determine how they are performing. To calculate this figure, you need to work out how many items were delivered on time vs number of items received in total. Typical DIFOT rates for successful companies are around the 95% mark.
If you want to be competitive in the market, you need to have quantifiable evidence of success. This is one tool that you can use to do it.
Larger customers will require this from you. You will need “ConNote has date created”, and “date delivered” for each consignment. Using the Consignment totals reports you can generate a report for the customers that require DIFOT, export to Excel and use these two date fields to determine if you’ve met the performance indicator for your customer e.g. “delivered within X days of receiving consignment”.
You need to be able to track this information in your freight management system. ConNote has these fields already available, so you can compile the information you need, when you need it.