The thumbnail shows the title of the article, "Release Notes: ConNote 5.17", and has the Logical Developments logo in the top left corner, and the ConNote logo in the bottom right. The Logical Developments logo which is a diamond with the letters L and D inside of it. The letters are offset from each other vertically while also overlapping horizontally. The each sit inside of their own rectangle. The ConNote logo is the stylised outline of a box truck made to look like a check mark that resembles a luggage dolly. This sits in front of the truck's box.

Release Notes: ConNote 5.17

Paul Mulroney - Feb 28, 2022

=== Broker v2.63 ====

0011188: Setup remote debugging

Startup_Task. Added INI option for Remote Debugging in Studio 10.2 and added $GetStudioBuild


0011150: Download Job List

Changed date handling to allow for timezones - browsers use local time, but the server operates in UTC. Added routines to allow mapping between the two.Tweaked Download function to fix problem with downloading files from the browser.

0011165: Bug fixes for jsrClientDetails

Added a standard way to call validation for fields on remote forms.  Added standard way to add a variable number of columns to a form. Changed the datafile reorganisation routine to allow for additional conversions of field type 'string' -> numeric.

0011172: Add text to numberic SQL conversion

Changed the datafile reorganisation routine to allow for additional conversions of field type 'string' -> numeric.

=== ConNote v5.17 ===

0011163: Generate Invoices, invoice list in date order.

When you choose 'Reports > ConNote > Generate Invoices', it produces a list of invoices that will be generated by customer. Previously it produced the list of invoices in date order, but now it's sorted by customer and then date. With this update, the sort order reverts back to the previous behaviour.

0011166: Uninvoiced Consignments

Added filter options to this report to show uninvoiced consignments over/equal/below a dollar amount, manifested consignments yes/no/all, and print consignments for a specific 'Charge to'.

0011168: Adjusted consignment layout.

On the built-in printed consignment report, added the truck/trailer and driver fields.

0011194: myFreight Integration.

Implemented Myfreight EDI integration.  Refer to separate help sheet for details on the operation of this function.

0011198: Disable Price Lists functionality.

Added the ability to enable/disable price lists.  Disabled price lists cannot be used in consignments and quotations.  There is now a new window to bulk-set the enabled/disabled status.

0011202: Exporting apostrophes.

Fixed issue with exporting files to MYOB, where if the field contained an apostrophe ('), it was stripped from the file.  This caused problems with importing data into MYOB.

0011213: Depo Minimum vs Price List minimum.

ConNote has the ability to nominate a minimum per depo as well as per price list. In the past, the price list minimum overrode the depo minimum.  With this update, if there is a depo minimum, then this will take precedence over the price list minimum.  If you edit the price list setup, there is a now a warning to alert the user to this change in behaviour.

=== Contacts 3.66 ===

0010722: Payroll: STP Phase II.

Added Worker's Compensation Leave Days.

0011033: Invoices: Approved Customer.

Add migration for approved customers to be all current customers. Note this will be bypassed for ConNote users.  If you wish to set all active customers to be approved there is a function in the Contact Preferences to execute this later.

=== CoreMnger 2.71 ===

0011194: Myfreight Integration.

Refactor oLogfile so that the debug handling is correctly initialised.

=== Updater 1.13 ===

0011200: Upgrade to Studio 10.2.

Allow for some clients to still use native datafile, so don't affect current datafile when opening the preferences.