The image is the standard LD thumbnail background, with several graphics in gold. The first, in the centre, is a stylised representation of graphs, charts, and lists. Below and to the left is a graphic of a gear, a chart, a magnifying glass, and an atom, each in it's own bubble. To the right is a graphic of a computer chip, with an image of a brain in the centre. The two lower graphics have arrows point outward to the centre. Where they meet, a larger, brighter set of arrows point upward to the first graphic, suggesting that it results from the previous two graphics. Below is the title "Accessible Intelligence: Levelling the Playing Field for Small Businesses with Predictive Analysis & Machine Learning.

Predictive Analysis & Machine Learning

John Kohl

Mar 31, 2023

Complex analyses and AI powered prediction models are no longer the sole province of large businesses. As technology continues to improve, and these tools become more accessible to smaller entities, we look at how we can bring Big Data to Small Business.

The image is of a phoenix with a database icon as it's body, on the standard LD thumbnail background. The background is blue, with a white triangular section in the top left. This section bears the LD logo, with a red line fading to white going from top to bottom, and a yellow line fading to white going from left to right. The LD logo is the letters L and D, offset for each other at an angle. Each letter is inscribed in a box, with the whole being inset in a diamond outline.

Access to Omnis

John Kohl

Feb 27, 2023

It's one of the top ten most used databases worldwide, providing a one-stop shop for forms, reports, and other features in addition to data management. As businesses outgrow their Access systems however, they're faced with a hard choice: stifle growth and keep the legacy system, or migrate to a state-of-the-art database and rebuild the legacy systems as a web app or desktop application. What if there was a third option?

The thumbnail is decorative. A blue card with Logical Developments logo in the top left corner on a white background. The Logical Developments logo is a diamond with the letters L and D inside of it. The letters are offset from each other vertically while also overlapping horizontally. The each sit inside of their own rectangle. The thumbnail has the title printed on it - “Release Notes: 2.00”. In the bottom right corner is the Payroll logo which is a dollar sign is rolled forward, with lines circling around it. It sits in a white circle.

Release Notes: Payroll 2.08

Caroline Mulroney

Feb 2, 2023

Overcoming even more challenges on the road to full STP Phase II compliance, it's Payroll v2.08! As with all releases since the New Year, this is exclusive to Omnis Studio 10.2 users.

The thumbnail shows the logo of every LD module. In the middle right is the title of the article, "Release Notes: Updater v1.14". In the top left is the Logical Developments logo which is a diamond with the letters L and D inside of it. The letters are offset from each other vertically while also overlapping horizontally. The each sit inside of their own rectangle.

Release Notes: Updater 1.14

Paul Mulroney

Feb 2, 2023

Who updates the updaters? As we transition to NBN fibre-to-the-premises, our Updater module receives an improved "phone-home" method, enabling our clients to continue receiving live updates to their software.

The image is in the standard Logical Developments article format, a square of blue with a white triangle in the upper left in which the LD logo is placed. The LD logo is an "L" and "D" each framed by a rectangle, the whole within a diamond shape. Centred on the blue background, the Company Name is written in large white seriffed letters: "We Don't Do Simple". Underneath is written in gold with the regular LD font "To make your day better". Below this is a symbol in the same gold colour representing continuous improvement: a diamond shape surrounding a graphic of arrows pointing counter-clockwise in a circular path, and within the circle a set of upward facing arrows resembling a bar graph with an upwards trend.

"We Don't Do Simple" – our mission to make your day better.

John Kohl

Feb 2, 2023

Recently a number of our users submitted reviews on an independent software review platform. We are excited to see that many of the things we strive for as a business are the same things our users love about us!

The thumbnail is decorative. A blue card with Logical Developments logo in the top left corner on a white background. The Logical Developments logo is a diamond with the letters L and D inside of it. The letters are offset from each other vertically while also overlapping horizontally. The each sit inside of their own rectangle. The thumbnail has the title printed on it - “Release Notes: Cash 1.40”. In the bottom right corner is the Cash logo, which is a dollar sign inside an outlined circle over a stylised representation of stacked bank notes on an outlined diamond shape.

Release Notes: Cash 1.40

Caroline Mulroney

Jan 27, 2023

Our Cash module has received some TLC - with new functions, quality-of-life improvements, and of course bug fixes. Expect to see more of these updates as we continue to improve our software across the board in our mission to save you time and make your day better!
